Healthy, Balanced NutritionCatering for the centre is provided by Wholesome Kids Catering, and features a variety of nutritious, child friendly meals, with a seasonal menu. |
Dietary Restrictions
If a child has allergies or has other food restrictions, the staff must be informed so that special arrangements can be made with the catering company concerning the meals. The catering company requires 2 business days to make any updates to the food restrictions or allergies.Bottles, formula and all infant baby food must be provided by the parent/guardian. Bottles must be labeled and made of unbreakable plastic (no glass bottles).
Food Restrictions
All information regarding food restrictions for the children will be prominently posted in each of the classrooms and the kitchen. The catering company will also be informed in writing of the child’s allergies or dietary restrictions.
Nursing Mothers
We encourage the continuation of nursing even after the child has entered the centre. We will, in every way, attempt to accommodate mothers wishing to continue a nursing schedule at the centre. It is, however, important for the child to accept a bottle or sippy cup from the staff should the need arise. For this reason, it is advised that the baby be introduced to the bottle or sippy cup before he/she is enrolled at the centre.
Birthday Parties
We encourage parents not to bring in any foods from the outside. However we are aware that many families would like their child to celebrate their birthday with the children in their classroom. Therefore all cakes or products must come from a Peanut/nut free licensed organization. If you would like some suggestions please speak to the centre supervisor. Please make yourself aware of restricted foods (i.e. No peanuts or peanut traces). All cakes must come from a licensed bakery with listed ingredients on the box. Another suggestion for a birthday party treat is Chapman’s ice cream. Please ensure the box of ice cream indicates peanut/nut free on it. Superstore, Longos, Loblaw’s, Coppa’s all have a section in the bakery area with items that are Peanut/Nut Free.